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Change Management Roadblocks

Change Management Roadblocks

By: Ciopages Staff Writer

Updated on: Feb 25, 2023

Change Management Roadblocks

The most prominent change management roadblocks are not necessarily about the frameworks, plans, and procedures but the mindset of people, the prevalent psyche, and popular folklore. Deep-rooted objections are the most significant impediment to change management. 

To address and mitigate the change management roadblocks, it is essential to know what are the typical objections, and obstacles that typically come up whenever there are transformation initiatives and associated change management challenges.

People don’t resist change. They resist being changed!” –Peter Senge

Change Management Roadblocks:

  1. We are doing quite well. Our stock price is up. Why bother changing?
  2. Oh, wow! That’s what you are planning. Only when pigs fly!
  3. We do things differently around here!
  4. That will never work here. Not as long as I have a say.
  5. Let’s get together in six months. You will agree that it will not work.
  6. That’s too ambitious. We are biting more than we can chew.
  7. Our plate is too full. We can’t handle any other initiatives.
  8. Company XYZ tried and failed. Why do we think we will succeed?
  9. It such an invasive surgery, we may end up with the operation being successful and yet patient dying.
  10. That group will not like it. They will derail it.

    The most prominent change management roadblocks are not necessarily about the frameworks, plans, and procedures but the mindset of people, the prevalent psyche, and popular folklore. Deep-rooted objections are the most significant impediment to change management. 

  11. I don’t think there is a compelling business case.
  12. This shiny new thing has no prospects. It will fail and everyone who adopted it.
  13. Should we call in some consultants?
  14. Do we need to do it now? How about next fiscal year?
  15. The leadership talks the talk but does not walk the walk.
  16. Just wait out the upstarts. Once they wither away, we can continue to rule.
  17. Well, Sir (or Madam), your predecessors tried it and failed. And failed. Would you want another failure under your reign?
  18. A disproportionate burden always falls on our group. If others don’t pull their weight, we wouldn’t either.
  19. Let’s skip one generation and then we can do it when the concept hits the mainstream.
  20. Over my DEAD BODY!

Well, these are some of the common objections and change management roadblocks.  We are sure several others are depending on the industry, corporate culture, geography, social, and demographic and psychographic considerations as well as the magnitude and impact of the proposed change.

Also, the following may be of interest to you:  CIOPages.com Change Management Definition



Change Management Offerings from our Partners:

Science of Successful Organizational Change

Make Change Happen

Managing your Team through Change

Financial Times Change Management Briefing

Master the Change Process

Fundamentals of Change Management


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